Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome/ Packing Suggestions for Group 75!

Greetings PC Tonga Group 75! First, congratulations on finally getting your invitation! I hope you’re excited to finally get to Tonga, and believe me, we’re excited to meet you all in October. I’ve heard from other volunteers that some people upon learning their PC country assignment actually do research and check out the blogs of current volunteers for ideas and suggestions of what to bring/ expect…wish I had been that organized.

Anyways, I’ve compiled a short list of things to pack that are beneficial while living in Tonga. By no means will you be able to fit all of what you need into your allotted luggage weight, and, like most of us here, will probably rely on packages from friends and family. (Let me take that beautiful segway to say thank you to my mother, who is wonderful.) Admittedly, this will be more useful to girls, at least in the clothing section, but hopefully there will be tips for all.

- good kitchen knives, especially one for fish
- measuring cups (liquid and solid, especially if you’re a big baker)
- a frying pan, although less critical
- hanging 3 basket set (complete lifesaver)
- tea/ coffee (depending on your preference- hard to find good stuff here)
- spices (can find the basics here, but, again, if you’re a big cook, you’ll want more)
- bullion cubes
- Brita filter (may seem excessive, but I’ve found it handy)

- a few bottles of shampoo/ conditioner and soap (sometimes it’s just nice to smell good after a bucket bath)
- contact solution (if you wear contacts)
- tampons (available in Nuku’alofa, but not outside the capital)
- medications: pain killers (Tylenol/Aleeve), cold/flu pills, cough drops
- towel and camping towel

- one set of sheets (tough to find here)
- sleeping bag (for cold nights)
- sleep sack (or something light and compact for summer)

- as a general rule, attire is less strict than your welcome packet makes it sound- girls, bring t-shirts and short sleeved button downs, especially in light-weight materials- it doesn’t matter if your arms show. Bring things a bit baggy, because most women here gain weight (yay simple carbs). Conversely, most men lose weight. Also, any clothes you bring here, you will not be bring back home- this country destroys clothing- so don’t pack super nice things!
- more underwear than you think you need (it disintegrates quickly)
- comfortable bras (avoid underwire- it rusts)
- tank tops, especially with wider straps- I wear these around my house
- summer dresses (I wear them over my long Tongan skirt and t-shirts)
- a few sweatshirts/ sweaters (it gets pretty chilly in the winter)
- a pair of sweatpants (again, cold nights)
- a pair or two of linen/ lightweight pants/capris
- swimming shorts
- bathing suits (you will get to wear these sometimes!)
- sewing kit
- rain coat
- I don’t find that I need much jewelry, make-up, or hair dryers, etc., but it’s personal preference
- sneakers (if you run)
- flip flops/ crocs
- sturdy hiking/walking sandal (don’t bring much footwear- you’re only really going to need 3 pairs of shoes/sandals)

- watch
- tent (if you plan on doing some camping)
- duct tape (a must have)
- gifts for homestay family (calendar of your home, small toys, books, scented soaps/candles)
- i-pod or music device with external speakers (yes, you will be singing out loud while alone in your house, and it will be wonderful)
- external hard drive (great for photo and movie storage, plus computers die in Tonga)
- rechargeable batteries (Tonga has no battery disposal or recycling)
- flashlight and headlamp
- Leatherman/ utility tool
- snorkel gear (although there is some floating around the PC offices)
- photos of family and friends

Best of luck wrapping up everything back home, and enjoy the whirlwind of the last month in the US. Take as many hot showers as possible and eat at all your favorite restaurants. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. I’m looking forward to meeting you all in a month or so!


  1. Hey Alicia,

    Thanks for the packing list! I look forward to meeting you in Tonga!

    PC Tonga 75

  2. This was super helpful! Thanks so much for posting this. One month, wooooooooo!

  3. I owe a big thank you to Alicia's wonderful mother too!

    Also, I can't believe you've been there almost a year already, Alicia! I'm so excited to see you in just about 3.5 months, and I have about 200 gigs of movies and TV shows (including the ENTIRE West Wing series)that I've gotten from volunteers here to share with you if you're interested.

    Let's figure out another time to chat soon - I miss you!

  4. Thanks for the help. Can't wait!!!
